My school's in the midst of a ton of interesting initiatives surrounding diversity, global education, tech, pedagogy, professional development, curriculum, etc. It's all really exciting stuff. I was trying to explain what we're doing to a colleague from another school this afternoon, however, and I found it difficult to give him any "elevator speech" that ties everything together. And what we're doing is tied together pretty tightly around a few very clear conceptual pillars. I really need to put everything down into one place and construct a coherent narrative that explains everything simply and clearly. I worry that we could lose ourselves in the details as we make so much progress on so many fronts.
Having read
Made to Stick a while back, I'm acutely sensitive to issues surrounding messages and their reception. I want to avoid all the "21st century skills" boilerplate and get toward something that's a bit less grounded in trendiness and more set in sound reasoning and logical construction with a healthy dose of clarity thrown in for good measure.
Sorry if this blog post reads more like an inner dialogue than it does an actual posting, but I'm trying to publicly commit myself to the task in as public a manner as possible. Not that I've got an audience for this blog, but still...