Friday, December 18, 2009

“Older workers don’t suffer from the deficiencies that a lot of people think they do.”

This seems like an obvious point, but the discrimination against veterans seems pretty widespread and is, in my view, entirely too stereotyped and dismissive.

“Older workers don’t suffer from the deficiencies that a lot of people think they do.”: "

clintA study in which “seniors” (those over 50)  were pitted against “juniors” (those under 30) in three different decision-making tasks – risk taking, competitiveness, and cooperation – found that seniors “hold their own.” They’re also more cooperative, contributing more during the cooperation test. The NY Times reports that researchers also found “groups with a mix of ages outperformed homogeneous groups.”

(There are many great ideas in the NY Times series so you should click the second link too.)

The Myth of the Deficient Older Employee | The 9th Annual Year in Ideas | The New York Times | 18 December, 2009

Via Neuroanthropology (where you’re sure to find a link you like in this list of research papers on culture, evolution, the mind, and anthropology.)


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